About Me

Who Is Snehil Prakash?

Snehil Prakash Is an International Digital Consultant working with new and small size businesses and helping them grow their online visibility in their respective market. He is also an author of 2 books and co-author of 2 anthologies. 


About Me

I am just like you. Talk to me and we can discuss some of the best business solutions to solve your customer’s pain point using digital media and management.

My Location

Either you will find me staying here on the internet or you can visit me in my New Delhi, India residence. 


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My Mission

Mission is to build addictive brands

Making words become verbs is what I call building addictive brand

1. Content Generation

Audio, video, blog, text, speech whatever you take, the medium is content, and its the originator for making a beginning. 

2. Content Marketing

Your content will build a brand when your customers watch, read, speak about your content, and marketing is the originator for making this happen.

My Services

Turn the internet into a conversation.