Quora is a famous Q&A website which is browsed worldwide. I won’t talk about quora facts and figure and take you straight into the ways to use quora for marketing to gain customers for your business.
Quora allows anyone to answer or ask questions. You can take it as an opportunity. In terms of marketing, Quora is a good source of nofollow backlinks. Backlinks are a way to create a buzz about your business, brands, services or anything and this helps you gain visibility.
Anyone can put an answer on quora but the million-dollar question is how to use Quora for marketing and make customers? Can anyone make customers by answering questions on Quora? The answer is no.
Quora is one of the best resources to generate quality traffic. I recently generated social media traffic for one of my clients from social media and quora had the best results in terms of a visitor coming and staying on the website.

In this article, I will be sharing you 10 smart tips with which you can
- Create business visibility
- Get more traffic from quora to your website.
- Generate quality traffic that converts and also
- Establish an authoritative quora profile that can make money for you.
Table of Contents
Search Niche-Specific Questions for answering
Obviously you need to answer a lot about your business or service on quora. But remember not to spam quora with your motto of marketing. Your account will lose credibility and quora may ban you from answering.
So how should you find these niche-specific questions and answer them without getting banned or blocked?
You need to use google search query which is one of the easiest ways to find popular questions in your niche. Just copy-paste the below query to find your target questions.
site:www.quora.com “your keyword”
For example, I have to write an answer to HR Software. So what will I do?
I will simply use the above query and enter ‘HR Software’ as my keyword and find the SERP result on google search. It would look something like the image below.

Don’ get questions with that screenshot having some unknown elements in search engine results. I use tools like semrush and Moz which tells me website condition before I click them. I use them basically forSEO projects.
Coming back to the deal. When you enter the above query on google search, you will get the most popular questions on Quora in your niche. In the SERP Result itself, you will also find the number of answers already given in that particular question.
The larger you find the number of answers, the more is the chance of that question getting more traffic through any source.
Follow the best practice to answer on quora to rank your answer on top.
As you have seen in the above example, the top-ranking questions have too many answers. When a user opens such questions, quora will show answers in a sequence wise.
Yes, you must be thinking now that quora is also ranking the answers for any particular question?
Yup, it does that. So how will you get that visibility if there are multiple answers and you want your answer to appear first on quora?
Don’t worry, I got you covered with this trick.
How to answer on quora to appear on the first answer
Follow these simple step so that you have a high probability of getting your answer on top.
Write a long and informative answer while using quora for marketing.
Quora also wants its question to rank on google searches being made. Hence it will always position the best answer in the beginning. But just writing a long answer would not do. You also need to give value to you the reader. While adding value to your answer
- Give all the best information.
- Share examples.
- Don’t post too many external links.
- Avoid writing answers like an affiliate.
- Support your answers with references in the footnote of the answer.
- Bold important highlights of your answers as people skim a lot while reading.
- Add images if required.
Make your author profile more authoritative in order to use quora for marketing.
Quora ranks trusted author’s answer at the top. So you need to create that trust on quora as an author to get your answers on the top of the thread. Here I am sharing you a few tips to make a trusted quora author profile.
- Identify your area of interest and topics and write a good amount of short to long answers on quora.
- This will give an impression to quora that you are an expert on that topic.
- Complete your quora profile with all introduction details, profile pic and other asked credentials.
- Also, ask questions on quora. Most of the authors keep on answering and rarely ask any question. Asking the question is not a compulsion but if you manage a good balance, you will be making the quora machine much happier and you may get chance to become a part of quora partner program to earn money for asking questions.
- Share your answers. This increases your chances of getting more views and upvotes. The answer with a larger number of upvotes and share gets the 1st position.
Now let’s check out more ways to get more customers by answering on quora.
Use Wiki answers to amplify your visibility.
Wiki answers on quora are one of the smartest ways to drive targeted traffic to your business pages. Wiki answers appear just below the questions and hence getting attention becomes quite easy. To clear this better, check the screenshot to understand what is wiki answer.

Most of the time you will find such wiki answers section in most of the questions. In some cases, if there are no wiki answers then you can add yourself.
In some niche like web hosting services, Quora has stopped allowing people to put wiki links as people in this niche where spamming a lot. Probably the affiliates were responsible for such ban as web hosting companies provide huge commissions on sales.
Do’s and Don’ts while submitting Wiki links
You need to be very careful while building wiki links. Whenever you submit wiki links, it goes under manual moderation by quora hence follow these steps to do wiki link building on quora.
- Always put your links in the way the rest of the people have linked. Don’t experiment with submitting a link as it may lead to deletion while getting moderated.
- Always add your link into the top of wiki answer list as it has the highest possibility of getting clicked.
- Don’t delete other’s link else your edit won’t be accepted by the quora moderators.
- Trying bolding your link as it improves your CTR.
So, with wiki links, you will surely increase your targetted traffic on your business website which can lead to customer conversions.
Ask questions and request answers for your niche expert.
I have hardly seen people and businesses following this method but I have personal experience of getting results.
So excited to know about this trick? Let’s check this out.
Let’s suppose you have a software named XYZ that you want to sell. So, you can ask a question like
How is XYZ better than ABC?
Here, keep in mind that ABC must be your renowned software competitor which people know. Next;
After you are done with posting that question, quora will give you a chance to request an answer from your question’s related topic expert. Here you need to invite the people to answer your question.
Here you need to make sure that you invite only those people to answer who has at least answer 10 plus answer in that topic. This increases your chance of getting answers from your requested author. Check the screenshot below for better understanding.

While writing answers, its quite obvious that your author will try your software and if he or she finds it amazing, they will write good answers for you which will get good visibility with time.
Repeat this step by creating a combination of alternative competitor and follow the above method of requesting again.
This works.
Use High Call on action and good placement of external links.
Having a high-quality call on action as your anchor text in the answer will give you more clicks. This will lead to higher traffic to your website from quora and better customer conversion rates.
Follow these rules while adding links to your answer.
- Add your anchor links at the beginning itself as it will get higher clicks.
- Your anchor text must be a partial answer to your question. This urges the user to click to know more.
- Bold your anchor links in the answer.
- Have a high calling text like, Get here 10 million email list OR Shop the best jewellery from the best Indian store. The anchor link should excite the reader to click.
Follow this easy step and get more quality and targeted audience on your website that can convert or retarget with paid ads for future conversions.
Final Thought
Quora is a big platform. I would strongly recommend all businesses to keep quora as one of the channels to gain visibility and allocate resources to work separately as a dedicated resource to create your business buzz on quora. This will help you increase your social traffic and ultimately improve your search engine ranking as well.