Category Archives: Marketing tips

Secrets to Effective Content Writing for your Blog

Want to know how to do effective content writing? Content is perhaps the most important aspect of your blog. Whether you are writing about digital marketing research or a blog on traveling, content is what your audience is most interested in. The internet does not discriminate or segregate content – search engines spew out millions […]

How to start a lead generation business – Modern Millionaires Review

Lead generation business is simple to start but challenging to master. There are plenty of books and articles written about the subject. But most importantly, there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution as every lead generation website is different.  A lead generation business can earn money in more than one way. You can work in partnerships with […]

Emails Marketing At A Glance

Know about email marketing

The effectiveness of sending emails is steadily declining, but these tools are still being actively used by leading marketers. Why experts do not suggest spending money elsewhere instead of on email marketing. Users’ mailboxes are always overloaded with advertising letters, newsletters offers, etc. among the herd to get recognition is a big achievement.  Marketers use […]

How To Start A Blog In 2025. Best Step By Step Guide For You

Are you interested in learning how to start a blog? This is not rocket science and it is very easy if you follow this entire guide thoroughly. Hello friends, my name is Snehil Prakash and today I am going to explain to you everything that you need to know in order to start a beautiful […]

Increase Your Shopify Store Sales With Sendinblue Plugin.

Sendinblue’s exponential growth because of its ease of use and versatility of features with excellent UI experience makes it one of the best Email marketing tools in the market. Integrating Sendinblue with Shopify explores a lot of new features and their benefits. Shopify is one of the powerful e-commerce platforms that offer so much to […]

Learning Digital Marketing: Choose Self Study Or Mentorship?

learning digital marketing

A lot of beginners’ learning digital marketing process comes down to this question. Before you read this entire blog, I have the answer in this first paragraph itself. If you have an ample amount of time, go for self-learning but if you want to save time, follow mentorship. When I talk about myself. I did […]

7 Tips to optimize for your Google Ads in 2025

How To Prepare Digital Strategy For Growth

If you ask any digital marketer whether optimization of Google Ads is important for their marketing purposes, then hardly anyone would say no. But have you ever wondered why is it so?   Using Google Ads to promote a company’s products or services is quite significant to enhance visibility and grow business. However, your marketing […]

Top 10 Ways To Identify Your Dropship Niche In 2025

10 ways to find dropshipping niche

Dropship niche selection is a moment for any eCommerce business. It is the most crucial decision to make when you start your store. Any online eCommerce business starts with one particular niche and build their brand name. Later they expand their business into a multi-niche platform. In this blog, I am going to explain 11 […]

Does Google Ads Affect Organic Results | A brief overview

Does Google Ads Affect Organic Results_

Many industrial experts might query whether google Ads, a form of Pay Per Click, affects the organic results. This article has an answer for it. We are going to look in detail at how Google Ads works in the search engine and how far it is different from Search Engine Optimisation. After reading this article, […]