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Beginners Guide: How to Build Backlinks When You are Just Starting a New Site

how to build backlink

When starting a new website, there are no links to build. It can be difficult to have a quality website without any inbound links. There are several ways of making links, some of which will provide backlinks from high-authority websites. However, this is not always possible because even the most authoritative sites can have low search engine rankings for your niche. Other people cannot find you and your content when they search for something related to your topic on Google or Bing. 

You need to have a way to build links. If you do not have any backlinks, or if they are not high quality, your visitor traffic will be below, and your website’s chances of ranking high in search engines will be minimal. Below you will find various methods of building links. You should consider each method and try to use the one that is best for you:

I. Outreach

II. Publish Linkable Content

III. Google Webmaster Tools And Analytics

IV. Submit Your Website To Directories

V. Guest Blogging

VI. Broken Link Building

VII. Internal Linking

VIII. Conclusion


One of the best methods of building links is outreach. Outreach might be a challenging task to do independently, but many tools can help make it far less stressful. You could use the following tools for finding sites to contact:

  • Buzzstream – This tool helps to find a website that needs links.
  • Ahrefs – This is a tool for finding domains, information, and backlinks.
  • Majestic – This tool is for finding the best link-building opportunities and website analytics and reports.
  • Open Site Explorer – This is a great tool from

In addition to these tools, there are also places where you can find sites related to your niche. They might not necessarily be interested in linking to you, but you never know who would be interested, so you should try contacting all of them. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Find people who are likely to link to your content
  2. Contact them, pitch your content and ask them to link back to you
  3. Follow up with the people who didn’t respond right away or at all
  4. Repeat the process until you find people who have a good chance of linking back to you
  5. Create a large list of websites and then use a tool to find the contact information for each site.


The most basic type of linkable content is a blog. A blog is a collection of articles that you can write and publish on your website, which will result in it being indexed by search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo! so users can find you when they search for related topics.

Creating a blog is one of the best ways to ensure that you will be able to get a lot of good links from other websites—several different topics and formats for blogs, including video, audio, images, and text. Blogs are usually successful due to their high-quality content and their ability to be shared across social media platforms. You should create a blog that can attract backlinks from other influential sites and drives the most traffic possible.


Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics allow you to see all of the vital information related to your websites, such as their backlink history, indexing issues, and traffic information. You can set up these tools so that they will crawl your site regularly and check for any potential problems. You can also use these tools to see how people find your site and what keywords they are using to find it. This information will help you improve and optimize your website so that more people will come back to revisit it in the future.


There are several category portals where you may post your site for free. Submitting your website to these category portals is one of the easiest ways to get some backlinks, as long as your website is a good match for the directory. 

Before starting, create a list of directories to submit your website to. Next, check their guidelines, submission processes, and requirements. Some guides will require you to submit your website via an online form, while others will need an email. A few things to look out for are:

  • Domain Authority (DA) – Domain Authority (DA) is a number between 1 and 100 that measures the quality of a website or blog’s domain name based on backlinks, search engine rankings, and other variables.
  • Domain Age – This is the age of the first indexed page on your site in months since January 1st, 2016.
  • Trust Flow (TF) – TF analyzes hundreds of data points across millions of domains in over 100 countries to determine a website’s trustworthiness. It looks at favorable brand mentions on Facebook and Twitter and trust from authoritative sources like Wikipedia links in web publications.


Guest blogging is a great way to build links when starting with a new website. 

This type of link building is beneficial for both the website that you are linking to and your site. Your content will be able to reach a wider audience when you guest blog, and the website that you post on will receive a lot of good backlinks from your site.

What is Guest blogging, and why should you do it?

Guest blogging is writing content for another blog that has been published on the Internet. When someone writes content for your site, it’s called guest posting.

When a visitor reads your guest post and then visits your site, they are directed straight to the page where they can sign up for your service or subscribe to get news updates from you in their inboxes every month (or whatever). 


Broken link building is a way to build links by finding websites that have broken links and then contacting the website owner to have them replaced with your link. This is beneficial for website owners since most of them are unaware that their broken links are causing them to get less traffic until someone notifies them.

To find broken links, you will need Xenu Link Sleuth. This tool will scan a website for broken links and give you a list of all the pages on the site that contain at least one broken link. Once you’ve found these pages, you need to reach out to each web admin individually and ask them if they would like their page fixed or prefer that their visitors see your content instead of theirs in their place (and thus giving you some free traffic).

You can also use this technique when looking for resources on other websites related to yours by checking which sites already have recommended information about your niche topic area. If something is missing from those lists, though, then maybe consider adding yourself as well!


Internal linking is a link-building technique where you place internal links on your site. Internal linking allows for a more seamless experience for the visitor and gives them an optimized path through your website. 

The paths are designed to take the reader from one section of your website to another related segment. These paths can be customized to fit the way your visitors want to browse through your site and help them efficiently find things they’re looking for without bouncing around from page to page.

One of the biggest problems with internal links is that they can be difficult to find. You should use anchor text to allow your visitors to easily recognize where they are going and what they are looking at. This will enable them to easily find their way to the next section of the site that they’re looking for. 


Building backlinks takes a lot of time, effort, and resources. Without these things, you will not be able to build any good backlinks. So try to put all the things I mentioned in this guide in your mind and try out at least a few of them to see how they work or boost your website ranking.

About Author

Andrea Gibbs is a Content Manager at SpringHive Web Agency, where she helps create content for their clients’ blogs and websites. She is currently a blog contributor at Brand With Care Blog, where she writes about design, marketing, branding, and social media.

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