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What is the Blockchain technology and how it works?

what is blockchain

Do you know what the Blockchain is and how exactly this digital technology that everyone talks about works? If you are part of the average Internet user, surely you know the famous cryptocurrencies, whose flow is based on this system, which is revolutionizing the way we conduct commercial transactions. These represent “virtual” a type of money generally away from […]

Learning Digital Marketing: Choose Self Study Or Mentorship?

learning digital marketing

A lot of beginners’ learning digital marketing process comes down to this question. Before you read this entire blog, I have the answer in this first paragraph itself. If you have an ample amount of time, go for self-learning but if you want to save time, follow mentorship. When I talk about myself. I did […]

Intern vs Freelancer vs Employee: The Difference That Is Misunderstood.

Intern vs Freelancer vs Employee

Intern vs Freelancer vs Employee: The Difference That Is Misunderstood.  Interns should be paid a stipend or not? It has been a very hot topic every time.  Some of these discussions lead to a ton of feuds or aggressive discussions between the intern group and the intern hiring group. Well, internships are the beginning ladder […]

7 Tips to optimize for your Google Ads in 2021

How To Prepare Digital Strategy For Growth

If you ask any digital marketer whether optimization of Google Ads is important for their marketing purposes, then hardly anyone would say no. But have you ever wondered why is it so?   Using Google Ads to promote a company’s products or services is quite significant to enhance visibility and grow business. However, your marketing […]

Too many Self-proclaimed marketing gurus. Why?

self proclaimed marketing guru

Today I am serving my skills into the digital marketing industry. There was a business mindset within me since engineering. I Didn’t knew how business was done. How businesses were scaled and how we can create solutions to meet the demand and generate revenue in return. My vision during those days was just to make […]

Emails Marketing At A Glance

Know about email marketing

The effectiveness of sending emails is steadily declining, but these tools are still being actively used by leading marketers. Why experts do not suggest spending money elsewhere instead of on email marketing. Users’ mailboxes are always overloaded with advertising letters, newsletters offers, etc. among the herd to get recognition is a big achievement.  Marketers use […]

What Is Proxy Server And How To Buy It?

What Is Proxy Server

Today, cybersecurity issues are dealt with not only by large companies with international assets but also by small enterprises and even individuals. Scammers, collectors of personal data, and other unwanted elements are easy to weed out, just get an intermediary between your computer and the network. Such an intermediary is called a proxy server, it […]

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