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How To Start A Blog In 2021. Best Step By Step Guide For You

how to start a blog

Are you interested in learning how to start a blog? This is not rocket science and it is very easy if you follow this entire guide thoroughly. Hello friends, my name is Snehil Prakash and today I am going to explain to you everything that you need to know in order to start a beautiful […]

Why Digital Marketers do jobs instead of being Entrepreneurs?

Understand Why Digital Marketers do jobs instead of being Entrepreneurs

Hey Passionate Digital marketers. I know you are into digital marketing or trying to enter into this arena. I call it as arena because even though this field has a huge potential, still it is equally challenging. Yes, personally I also call myself as a lazy but passionate digital marketer. I call myself lazy because […]

Virtual Private Servers for Crypto-friendly customers

Many users nowadays are looking for Anonymous Virtual Private Servers that they can pay using cryptocurrency. Most users have cryptocurrency within reach thanks to the multiple exchanges available online. They have bought cryptocurrencies, and they now want to use them for their daily use.  Similarly, they are trying to pay for their hosting solution with cryptocurrency as […]

Increase Your Shopify Store Sales With Sendinblue Plugin.

Sendinblue’s exponential growth because of its ease of use and versatility of features with excellent UI experience makes it one of the best Email marketing tools in the market. Integrating Sendinblue with Shopify explores a lot of new features and their benefits. Shopify is one of the powerful e-commerce platforms that offer so much to […]

Unacademy 22 Million User Records On Sale By Hackers

Unacademy 22 million user records have been compromised. Unacademy is an online EdTech company in India. On 3rd of May, 2020, a cyber intelligence company,  Cyble Inc found that the company’s data of approximately 20 million users is on sale at $2000. While it showed 20 million data when posted for sale, the records were found […]

Leverage the potential of hiring data engineering consultants as the biggest asset

The global political and economic structure has been radically altered as a result of the Co vid epidemic. The result has been that millions of workers have begun to work from home, necessitating the need for distant data security. To avoid data breaches and loss, every organization must adjust in order to guarantee that data […]

Write SEO Friendly Content Using These 10 Techniques.

write seo friendly content

In this blog, you are going to learn 10 tips to write SEO friendly content.  Well doing this is very important if you want to gain visibility on search engines. Whenever you write, you should think about two kinds of audience. One is the Human audience and the other is bot audience which we call […]

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